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Image by Katt Yukawa


A look at my time at Humanitarian Operations (HOPE). HOPE is a disaster relief agency that specialise in providing aid and relief to those in need in the wake of natural disaster. Here, I worked on press releases, the charity blog, social media (mainly captioning), product copy, and education content for an upcoming app launch (but I'm not allowed to show that yet...)

Humanitarian Operations: Work


Humanitarian Operations: Portfolio



"We know snakes as powerful, fast, and exciting creatures, and we love all snakes here at HOPE! But did you know that people actually kill them to make clothes out of their skin? This known as the exotic skin trade; the hunting and skinning of snakes and other reptiles, such as crocodiles, alligators, and lizards. These skins will often be referred to in the fashion industry as ‘leather’ and they are used to make handbags, wallets, shoes, belts, vests, and many other accessories."

Humanitarian Operations: Text


"In the UK, 4.3 million children are living below the poverty line — that is an astonishing 9 children in a classroom of 30 without access to three solid meals a day. Going to school, playing with friends, and having to learn without so much as being able to eat breakfast, will hold astronomical implications on a child’s future and huge amounts of pressure on a parent or guardian’s shoulders.
That’s why Rashford’s work is so incredibly valuable. It relinquishes parents and guardians of the extreme pressures they face. It reassures them that their children will have food on the table, all the while feeding their children, assuring they are fit and healthy to learn, play, and have fun.
HOPE values the wellbeing of every child, regardless of background, and therefore Rashford’s work struck a chord with us. We want to echo Rashford’s efforts to stop childhood inequality and give every child a fair chance at life."

Humanitarian Operations: Text


To preface: Humanitarian Operations (HOPE) is run by a board of child directors. All e-mails and other correspondence are written from their perspective, by me.

“Dear sir/madam, 

Hope this email finds you well!

We are Humanitarian Operations, but you can call us HOPE! We’re a UK based NGO created to eradicate educational inequality all around the world. Oh, and another thing, we are kids! Our board of directors is made up of 12 children, and we’re going to change the world!

We’ve noticed the wonderful work you’re doing at [charity name] and we want to offer you our support! We are about to launch a fashion brand that educates children about animals that are endangered and at threat of extinction, with proceeds funding on-the-ground operations with charities such as yourselves. We can’t wait for you to see the app, it’s got some really cool AR technology, but you’ll have to wait until we show you! And guess what? There is no charge for the collaboration we’re proposing to you!

This is such an amazing opportunity! It can really help you take your mission to the next level and make a huge difference to the world of tomorrow. We don’t want to see the [animal] become extinct; we’re only children...we’ve got so much of our lives left to enjoy these amazing creatures! We want to join you on your mission to save them. Just like you, we want to preserve the beauty and diversity of our world. We are the children of today, and we want to make the world better for the children of tomorrow.”

Humanitarian Operations: Text
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